torsdag den 4. marts 2010


Yaaay, OkashiiCon i morgen - jeg glæder mig
Vi flyver allerede til Sjælland i aften og overnatter hos mine familie. I morgen eftermiddag skal vi mødes med diverse mennesker på Københavns hovedbanegård og så tager vi sammen til OkashiiCon

Så var man lige inde på Depeche Mode's tour blog, hvor følgende står skrevet om koncerten jeg var til i sidste uge:
"The entire lower tier and floor was on their feet and moving, jumping, singing, clapping throughout. And despite the small crowd, they even put on a pretty good balloon show.

Highlights were plentiful, but one did stand out slightly more than others for me. After "Home", the crowd's chant was just stunning, prompting the band to do a very extended version of their post-Home jam. According to Dave, the best ever. Nothing wrong with that! ;)"

Billedet er fra Depeche Mode's blog.

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